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“Though I have visited many dojos around the world, there is no place where the youth really love aikido like this”, a Japanese friend of mine once told me after having praticed at Shūdōkan for the first time. Energy of the youth and passion has formed today Shūdōkan.
May 2002 is a memorable mark in my life to be the moment I officially started playing a sport for the first time. The site I chose was Aikido VJCC Shūdōkan at Hanoi Youth University which was moved to Foreign Trade University afterward and becomes the Aikido Yuuki Shūdōkan in Hanoi nowadays.
Everyone has a reason and a different path to practise Aikido, and then everyone has very different thinking, feeling with this martial art. I do, too. Now, I think I am really lucky because I am a member of Aikido Yuuki Shūdōkan.
When I was a child, I often be bullied by older children, this because I was a small and low weighting boy. I therefore love martial arts. Whenever I heard about a good teacher, I did all to find him and tried to learn. However very ungainly, after a few sessions it started to be boring and I could not stay longer (now I know why: because it required to much energy). I thought that my idea about...