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The Founder

Post time: 24/06/2015 10:24

Katsumi Horizoe Shihan was born in 1939 in Myazaki province, Japan. He graduated from the Economics faculty, Keio University, Japan.
Very young, he studied Kendo. Then he was lucky to be a student of Morihei Ueshiba O’sensei. In 1969, Horizoe sensei created the Youth Development Association of Japan (DAY) as a president. In 1994, he supported the University of Technology in Hanoi to establish a Japanese language center which offers Vietnamese engineers opportunities to improve their language skills in Japanese. During this period, he also developed friendly exchanges of youth among ASEAN’s countries.
In 1998, he led a Japan Aikido Group of 14 members to perform at Phu Tho Club, Ho Chi Minh City.
With all contributions brought to the development of education and cultural exchanges in Vietnam, in 2000, Horizoe sensei was appointed by the Japanese government to be the first director of the Vietnam-Japan Human Resources Cooperation Center (VJCC), based in the compound of the Hanoi Foreign Trades University. And Horizoe sensei is the person who founded the Aikido VJCC Shudokan dojo (the predecessor of Aikido Yuuki Shudokan today) in November 2000.
Katsumi Horizoe received a medal of merit from the Ministry of Education and Training of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for his contributions and tireless dedication to the cooperation and youth development in Vietnam – Japan.
Although his assignment of two year working in Vietnam finished in late 2002, Horizoe sensei came back very often to Vietnam to support the development of Aikido movement in Hanoi with direct guidance and trainings with Aikido members. February 2005, with the support of the Aikido Foundation (Hombu Dojo), the first Aikikai dan examination took place in Hanoi. Also during this time, with the coordination and support from VJCC, the first meeting and official working session was organised between Aikido Foundation – Hombu Dojo (represented by Takeshi Kanazawa shihan, 6 dan Aikikai and Kodani Yuichi shihan, 3th dan Aikikai) and the Vietnam Committee of Physical Trainings and Sports and the Hanoi Department of Physical Trainings and Sports.
Besides the active support in the development of Aikido movement in Hanoi, Horizoe sensei and the Youth Development Association (DAY) has consistently supported and provided Vietnamese youth and students financial supports and scholarships to go to work and to study in Japan.
On 24th March 2010, Horizoe sensei passed away in his home in Asakusa district, Tokyo, Japan, after a period of overpassing a serious illness.
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