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Grading Examination - Regulations

Post time: 19/07/2015 01:34

Aikidō Yūki Shūdōkan
Club Executive Board

Grading Examination
Chapter I
Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application
1. This Regulation implies the grading examination including both Dan-level exams and Kyu-level exams in the Aikido Yuki Shudokan club.
2. This Regulation applies to the entire membership of the club.
Article 2. Purposes
Grading examination aims to confirm the training level of club member.
Article 3. Objects and conditions for participation
1. Participants:
Must be a member of the club and be eligible for examination, according to paragraph 2, 3 Article 3 of this Regulation.
2. Prerequisites:
For Kyu-level exam:
- 5th Kyu: 30 days of practice at the club for a minimum period of 3 months, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month.
- 4th Kyu : 40 days of practice at the club after obtaining 5th Kyu, for a minimum period of 6 months, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month.
- 3rd Kyu: 50 days of practice at the club after obtaining 4th Kyu, for a minimum period of 6 months, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month.
- 2nd Kyu: 60 days of practice at the club after obtaining 3rd Kyu, for a minimum period of 6 months, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month.
- 1st Kyu: 60 days of practice at the club after obtaining 2nd Kyu, for a minimum period of 6 months, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month.
For Dan-level exam:
- 1st Dan: 100 days of practice at the club after obtaining 1st Kyu, for a minimum period of 1 year, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month.
- 2nd Dan: 300 days of practice at the club after obtaining 1st Dan for a minimum period of 1 year, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 1 month. Total pause duration between date of obtaining 1st Dan and 2nd Dan exam date must be no longer than 3 months.
- 3rd Dan: 450 days of practice at the club after obtaining 2nd Dan, for a minimum period of 2 years, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 2 months. Total pause duration between date of obtaining 2nd Dan and 3rd Dan exam date must be no longer than 5 months.
- 4th Dan: 600 days of practice at the club after obtaining 3rd Dan, for a minimum period of 3 years, with continuous training, the pause is no longer than 2 months. Total pause duration between date of obtaining 3rd Dan and 4th Dan exam date must be no longer than 8 months.
- For advanced Dan-levels: The grading examination complies with the Hombu (Aikikai HQ) grading regulations.
3. Eligibility criteria
1. In order to be eligible, all members should strictly respect the club regulations; having serious, sincere practice and proper manners; no statements and actions that negatively affect the normal functioning of the club.
2. All members are responsible for supporting in professional matters and financial contribution to members attending the exams as well as public events of the club, at the request of the Executive board.
3. The members are requested to complete the registration procedures with the Administration board at least 07 days before the exam date. 
4. At least 05 days before the exam date, the Technical board shall publicly announce all ineligible cases, referring to paragraph 1, 2 and 3, Article 3.
5. Members who are not eligible for the examination and being declared insufficient for eligibility by the Executive board are not permitted to take examination.

Chapter II
Article 4. The examination implementation and content
1. Examinations are held every 3 months. Detailed information will be publicly announced by Technical board at least 10 days before the examination.
2. The examination content can be found in the teaching and training program of the club.
Article 5. Examination form
Candidates perform directly the techniques required by Board of examiner.
Article 6. Examination date and time
- The examination date is fixed by the Technical board, according to yearly planning.
- Examination time: Candidates will perform depending on the exam content required for each level and requirements of Board of examiners.
Article 7. Registration
1. The contestant should fill in the registration form provided by representatives of Administrative board.
Article 8. Board of examiners
1. Technical board is in charge of deciding to establish the Board of examiners.
2. Composition of Board of examiners:
- Quantity: From 03-05 people.
- Prerequisites of the Board of examiners:
• Grading Kyu-level: Members of the Board must be at least from Nidan level.
• Grading Dan-level: According to the grading examination regulations of Hombu (Aikikai HQ)
Article 9. Grading
- Qualified candidates must achieve a minimum of 60% favorable result from the Board of examiners.
Article 10. Exemption of examination
Club members can be exempt from 1 level examination maximum for 1 attempt.
Members who meet the following conditions may be exempt under the decision of the Board of examiners:
- Being eligible for examination (according to paragraph 1, 2 and 3 of Article 3) concerning the exempt level.
- Having equivalent or superior qualification/techniques than the exempt level and 100% members from Board of examiners having approved the exemption.
 - Candidates who are exempt will be declared to have passed the examination, along with other candidates.
Article 11. Advanced placement qualification 
Members of the club can be eligible for Advanced placement examination (maximum 02 levels for 1 attempt).
Members who meet the following conditions may be granted for Advanced placement examination; according to the decision of Board of examiners:
- The candidates have filled in the application for Advanced placement examination.
- Being eligible for examination (according to point 1, 2 and 3 – article 3) of the target level.
- Having equivalent or superior qualifications/techniques than the surpassable level and 100% members from Board of examiners having approved the application for Advanced placement examination.
Chapter III
Article 12. Announcement of results and degree granting
After a maximum of 15 days from the exam, the Technical board is responsible for the result announcement and degree granting to candidates who have passed the exam.
Hanoi, 2013
Executive board
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Administration team Email : bhc.ays@gmail.com

About Website: websiteyukishudokan@gmail.com