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Tên truy cập: mã AYS với 4 số viết kèm
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Đang trực tuyến : 3

Hôm nay : 181

Hôm qua : 230

Tất cả : 1.092.036

Trong tháng : 638

Trong tuần : 0

Tags được quan tâm
Our club - Aikidō Yūki Shūdōkan

10 years ago, in 2000, a Shudokan dojo was founded by Katsumi Horizoe sensei, represented the first Aikido dojo in Hanoi. The dojo offerred  Hanoi youth the joy and passion to discover a new modern martial art implied in it a philosophy on love and harmonization - Aikido- a door opened on the Japanese culture. The Shudokan before, Aikido Yuuki Shudokan now, is a place for every member to...

The Founder

Katsumi Horizoe Shihan was born in 1939 in Myazaki province, Japan. He graduated from the Economics faculty, Keio University, Japan. Very young, he studied Kendo. Then he was lucky to be a student of Morihei Ueshiba O’sensei. In 1969, Horizoe sensei created the Youth Development Association of Japan (DAY) as a president. In 1994, he supported the University of Technology in Hanoi to...

[en] AYS's Facebook
[en] Yuuki
[en] Culture conner Aikido

Câu lạc bộ Aikidō Yūki Shūdōkan
Nhà thể chất trường Đại học Ngoại Thương, số 91 phố Chùa Láng, phường Láng Thượng, quận Đống Đa, thành phố Hà Nội.
Email Ban hành chính clb: bhc.ays@gmail.com

Ý kiến đóng góp về Website: websiteyukishudokan@gmail.com